(Affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P.)

NAAC with 'B++'

Vinukonda, Palnadu District, Andhra Pradesh

Evaluation Procedures and Reforms

Students’ evaluation is done on a formative basis. Focusing on the department specific requirements, a standard operating procedure for internal evaluation is designed in common.

The internal assessment helps towards ensuring the descriptions of the abilities and other qualities a course seeks to develop in students.   CIA  is done by using four categories of inventory tasks and activities as mentioned below.


Type of Assessment

Weightage Marks 


Mid – term examinations

20 + 15


Seminar/Quizzes/Role play/ Group Discussion/ Presentations






Cleaning, Greening and Attendance




Rationalized to

25 M

1. Midterm Examinations:. Two Mid Examinations are conducted each for 20 marks and  15marks respectively.
2. Assignments: Assignments are given during the class hours, and evaluated,  problems are identified, discussed and clarified accordingly. ten assignments are being conducted throughout the semester.
3. Student Seminars: Every student should present a seminar on a particular topic and shall be evaluated by the respective subject faculty. Minimum of one seminar will be taken for awarding.

4. Participation in extracurricular activities: As a token of encouragement and motivation, student participation in N.S.S./Sports/Field Trips/Extension Activities/ any other extracurricular activity is considered.

Through this mechanism, the performance of the student is estimated in all aspects like academics, skills, sports, arts etc. The performance of the student is recorded and will be intimated to them and also to their parents. Apart from these, all the departments include various activities in their respective departmental plans and execute them for the overall assessment of the student. Separate registers are maintained by the respective departments accordingly. Every department maintains their respective Internal Marks Register and other relevant records for periodical verifications.

End Semester examinations are conducted as per the rules and regulations of the affiliated University. The college takes utmost care and concern regarding the redressal of grievances related to examination issues of the students through the redressal cell of the examination committee. The issues related to the examinations are attended with care and urgency. College facilitates the redressal mechanism provided by the university.  Revaluation, Personal verification of the answer scripts, providing Xerox Copy of the Answer Scripts   are being facilitated to the students.